Sensitive teeth treatment central london

Sensitive teeth could become the very bane of your existence. But Covent Garden Dental Spa want to help anybody looking for sensitive teeth treatments in central London.

Are you one of these people who can’t eat ice cream without worrying about sensitive teeth? Forget about chewing on ice – you’d rather get your nails on that chalk board any day.

Well there are many things which cause sensitive teeth. The main ones which sprint to mind, based on what my patients report are the following:

Sensitive teeth treatment central london

Sensitive teeth could become the very bane of your existence.

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Want to book in for your sensitive teeth in central London today? Click below.

  1. Decay
  2. Erosion – from acidic diet e.g. juicing
  3. Alcohol consumption in excessive amounts
  4. Recession – a natural ageing process
  5. Periodontal disease
  6. Overzealous brushing
  7. Clenching or grinding your teeth

So what can we do to reduce this sensitivity, through our sensitive teeth treatments in central London?

Well, you could start off by addressing all the above problems by having fillings treated, seeing a periodontist for treatment of the periodontal disease, or addressing your diet, having your dentist make you a mouth guard for the grinding, or using a good electric toothbrush. And you still have sensitive teeth?

Then you could try our Teeth Desensitizing Programme.

Sensitive teeth treatment central London

Sensitive teeth treatment central London

This programme would involve an assessment of your teeth to ensure you do not have any of what I listed above. Then we would take moulds of your teeth, from the mould we would make custom made trays of your teeth. A week later you would attend to collect your trays and desensiting gel which you would apply every day for 2 weeks. We would also provide you with the appropriate toothpaste and give you detailed toothbrushing instructions. At this appointment, a coating of a fluoride gel would be applied to your teeth. You would be given a diet sheet to log everything you will eat over a seven day period, to ensure you have no hidden dietary habits. After two weeks, you would attend for a review so we could assess how your teeth have responded to the treatment. We would assess your diet sheet, advising you accordingly.

This Teeth Desensitising Programme costs £150.

If you would like to book for our sensitive teeth treatments in central London, click below.

Sensitive teeth could become the very bane of your existence.

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Want to book in for your sensitive teeth in central London today? Click below.