TMJ Therapy by Dr Roop Mann

TMJ Therapy is the treatment of TMD Temporomandibular Dysfunction (pain in the jaw joints)

Since the beginning of the pandemic, an increasing number of patients have presented with a range of TMD symptoms. Some  report a mild constant aching in the jaws and surrounding muscles. Some a debilitating all consuming pain which prevents them from performing simple tasks such as talking, eating and laughing. I have found this has a negative impact on the quality of life.

The main objective of TMJ Therapy is to restore balance and harmony in the jaws and muscles. I have found my patients who have completed a course of TMJ Therapy, have reported a substantial reduction of pain and discomfort resulting in an improved quality of life.

Other symptoms of TMD you may experience:
  • Clenching of teeth
  • Grinding during sleep/ decreased quality of sleep
  • Facial pain including jaw pain
  • Clicking jaws on opening or closing
  • Tension headaches
  • Migraines
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Difficulty in chewing
The symptoms listed above are usually made worse during periods of stress, tension or anxiety. When stressed, you clench or grind your teeth during your sleep. This places a lot of stress on the jaw joints resulting in disharmony within the joints and the surrounding muscles. This can result in you experiencing the symptoms listed above.
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What causes TMD?

I have found that the most common underlying causes in the patients I have treated over the years fall into one the of the following categories:

  • Stress, anxiety, tension and burnout
  • Clenching or grinding the teeth
  • Trauma to the TMJ for example whiplash
  • Medical conditions such as arthritis
  • Occlusal instability – an unstable bite in which the teeth are not properly aligned. 
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Who is Dr. Roop Mann?
  • I qualified as a dentist with a special interest in TMD and I have over 25 years’ experience in TMJ Therapy.
  • I am a member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society and the British Society of Occlusal Studies.
  • My commitment extends to keeping up to date with recent advances in TMD therapy and philosophies associated with my work.
  • Due to the multifactorial nature of TMD, I have adopted a holistic approach to the treatments I provide

I feel I have had a successful outcome when my patients report back that the treatment I have provided has changed their lives. This, for me, is the objective of my work; to identify my patients’ TMD issues, address the multifactorial nature of their problems and have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

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What is the holistic approach?
  • My approach to TMJ therapy is patient centred. The main aim is to alleviate you from  pain and restore harmony in the TMJ and surrounding muscles.
  • I will encourage you to address the underlying cause of your TMD, which is often exacerbated by anxiety or tension. I will demonstrate relaxation techniques which you will practice before sleeping, as these have been shown to be beneficial in reducing the painful symptoms of TMD. 
What happens at your first appointment?
  • I will conduct a thorough history of your TMD symptoms followed an examination of your TMJ’s and the surrounding muscles.
  • I will carry out a detailed assessment of your occlusion (the way your teeth bite together).
  • Following this detailed consultation, I will provide a bespoke and personalised treatment protocol which is unique to your symptoms and treatment needs.
What does TMD Treatment involve?
  • Acupuncture Treatment (see below)
  • Trigger point therapy (see below)
  • Occlusal appliance therapy: you will have a custom-made bite splint (mouth guard) made for you. The splint will separate your teeth and thus reduce the load on your joints and muscles. You will wear this appliance at night
  • Restorative treatment to stabilise your bite if needed
  • A bespoke holistic therapy which encompasses nutrition, supplements, relaxation therapies and lifestyle changes
  • Stress management
  • You will have special jaw exercises demonstrated to you
  • In very extreme cases, referral to a specialist may be required.
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What is Acupuncture?
  • Fine needles are inserted through the skin into the relevant location. Once in position, the needle is gently stimulated by a slight tweaking movement.
  • The needles work by stimulating the nervous system, releasing natural painkillers into the nervous system.
  • The number of needles used depends on what treatment you require, but usually half a dozen needles are used.
  • The treatment is not usually painful, but you may feel a little discomfort on having the needles placed.
  • The treatment doesn’t take long, a session can last between 30 to 45 minutes.
  • You may feel a little tired after acupuncture treatment. The acupuncture sites may feel a little bruised for 24 hours after your treatment. It is possible you may notice other changes such as relief to back pain as a side effect of the acupuncture.
What are the Advantages of Acupuncture?
  • Acupuncture is a great way of controlling pain by releasing endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves the Immune system
  • It has benefits to your general health and well being
  • It can result in better sleep patterns
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Increased energy
How many Acupuncture treatments will I require to treat my TMD?

I will advise how many treatments will be best for you. Usually half a dozen treatments are required for the best results. The treatments are usually once a week, and further sessions may be recommended, depending on how you respond to the treatment.

Will the acupuncture treatment work for me?

My experience over the years has shown that acupuncture works. Each of my patients in the past have responded to acupuncture in their own way. Some patients may notice an immediate improvement, some may need several treatments before they feel the full effects of the treatment. There have been a few patients who have not responded at all, but in my experience over 90% of my patients have benefited from acupuncture treatment.

What is Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a neuromuscular therapy designed to correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Trigger points are discrete tight knotted bands of muscle which produce pain locally and in a referred pattern (away from the original source). Acupuncture therapy and massage are used to disperse the tightness in the muscle, hence relieving pain.


T-Scan Is a state-of-the-art digital occlusal analysis system designed to measure and record relative biting forces over time. It uses an ultra-thin sensor which transfers the data to an animated digital image, mapping the force and timing of pressure of your bite in real time.

How much will the TMJ therapy cost?
  • TMJ consultation £195
  • T-Scan assessment £120
  • TMJ therapy session £275
  • Splint therapy from £790

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Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction Dentist
Dr. Roop Mann

Meet Dr Roop Mann – A dentist specializing in Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and TMJ-related disorders at Serio Dental.


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TMJ Therapy is the treatment of TMD Temporomandibular Dysfunction (pain in the jaw joints)

Since the beginning of the pandemic, an increasing number of patients have presented with a range of TMD symptoms. Some  report a mild constant aching in the jaws and surrounding muscles. Some a debilitating all consuming pain which prevents them from performing simple tasks such as talking, eating and laughing. I have found this has a negative impact on the quality of life.

The main objective of TMJ Therapy is to restore balance and harmony in the jaws and muscles. I have found my patients who have completed a course of TMJ Therapy, have reported a substantial reduction of pain and discomfort resulting in an improved quality of life.

Other symptoms of TMD you may experience:

The symptoms listed above are usually made worse during periods of stress, tension or anxiety. When stressed, you clench or grind your teeth during your sleep. This places a lot of stress on the jaw joints resulting in disharmony within the joints and the surrounding muscles. This can result in you experiencing the symptoms listed above.

What causes TMD?

I have found that the most common underlying causes in the patients, I have treated over the years fall into one of the following categories:

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EPS_1905-1 Upscaler
Who is Dr. Roop Mann?

I feel I have had a successful outcome when my patients report back that the treatment I have provided has changed their lives. This, for me, is the objective of my work; to identify my patients’ TMD issues, address the multifactorial nature of their problems and have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

What is the holistic approach?
What happens at your first appointment?
What does TMD Treatment involve?

What does TMD Treatment involve?

Acupuncture Upscaler
What is Acupuncture?

What are the Advantages of Acupuncture?

What does TMD Treatment involve?

How many Acupuncture treatments will I require to treat my TMD?

I will advise how many treatments will be best for you. Usually half a dozen treatments are required for the best results. The treatments are usually once a week, and further sessions may be recommended, depending on how you respond to the treatment.

What does TMD Treatment involve?

Will the acupuncture treatment work for me?

My experience over the years has shown that acupuncture works. Each of my patients in the past have responded to acupuncture in their own way. Some patients may notice an immediate improvement, some may need several treatments before they feel the full effects of the treatment. A few patients have not responded at all, but in my experience, over 90% of my patients have benefited from acupuncture treatment.

What is Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a neuromuscular therapy designed to correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Trigger points are discrete tight knotted bands of muscle which produce pain locally and in a referred pattern (away from the original source). Acupuncture therapy and massage are used to disperse the tightness in the muscle, hence relieving pain.


T-Scan Is a state-of-the-art digital occlusal analysis system designed to measure and record relative biting forces over time. It uses an ultra-thin sensor which transfers the data to an animated digital image, mapping the force and timing of pressure of your bite in real time.

How much will the TMJ therapy cost?
